Pünktlich zum Jahreswechsel erscheint von mir im Sutton Verlag ein neuer Bildband mit Aufnahmen aus dem Archiv des Bezirksmuseums und aus privaten Sammlungen.
About me
Nice to meet you!
Career & mission
My studies of history, political science and Roman languages but also numerous experiences at museums (e.g. the Albertina) and in cultural institutions (e.g. Melk Abbey and Klosterneuburg Abbey) paved the way for me to become an enthusiastic city guide who is always up to date.
With passion and a wealth of experience I offer you a tailor-made exploration program through Vienna and its surroundings. Thanks to my qualifications as a teacher and travel organizer in Austria and abroad my tours are adapted to the individual needs of each group. You can expect a „Viennese original“, passionate winemaker and musician in two orchestras.
Contact me, I ´am looking forward to hearing from you.
I have been working as a certified tour guide in my hometown of Vienna for more than 20 years. For me there is nothing more fulfilling than showing the world my favorite city. In addition to the well-known places that enjoy worldwide fame, I also take my guests on a discovery tour to unknown, hidden and remarkable places.
Austria Guide, Historiker,
Pädagoge, Kunstvermittler & Autor
Tel: +43 699 19225103
Mail: office@zillinger4vienna.at
My vienna
Cultural commitment
It is very important to me to preserve the cultural heritage of my home town Vienna. As chairman of the cultural association Team 21 I have been trying for more than 20 years to preserve buildings and cultural monuments with the help of local initiatives. One of these projects is the Beethoven Path in Vienna-Floridsdorf which was established in 2007. Every year we commemorate the work of Ludwig van Beethoven by organizing readings, concerts, theatre performances and a special “Culture and Indulgence” hiking event. Thereby we pay tribute to the composer’s life in Vienna’s only Beethoven memorial on the left bank of the Danube which would otherwise be let go to ruin. Find out more under this link: Here.
read & discover
Wiener Weihnacht bei radio klassik
Kurz vor Weihnachten hatte ich die Ehre, zu einer meiner beliebtesten Stadtführungen bei radio klassik zur Wiener Weihnacht interviewt zu werden.
Viennese Christmas
Great book, for all history enthusiasts who like to find out about the past, but are also interested in the latest.
Viennese street life
Around 220 historical photographs capture the atmosphere of church celebrations, carnival parades and anniversaries and bring back countless memories.
This impressive illustrated book opens a window into the past of the district and invites you to remember, discover and rediscover.
Salzburg Christmas
This book invites you to rediscover the festive traditions of bygone days – from playing christmas carols with a trumpet from the tower to driving out the winter and the last snow with a whip.
Insider tips
Insights and news from vienna
Weihnachten in der Monarchie – ORF- Sendung in Erbe Österreich auf ORF 3 mit Interviews von Mag. Karl Zillinger
In der TV-Dokureihe „Erbe Österreich“ am 17.12.2024 ging es um die Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte von Weihnachten in der Monarchie. Neben...
Führung zu Napoleon, seine Beziehungen zu Frauen und die soziale Stellung von Dienstmädchen vor 200 Jahren in Wien – Unterstützung bei einem Buchprojekt
Gerne unterstütze ich auch Sie bei ihren historischen Recherchen für einen neuen Roman.
Weihnachten in Wien ─ Weihnachtsmärkte, kulinarische Spezialitäten, Krampus und Krippenschau
Bei meiner jährlich stattfindenden Weihnachtsführung erfährt man Antworten auf viele Fragen rund um das Weihnachtsfest und sein Brauchtum, wie zum...
Springtime in Vienna – blooming lilac and charming palaces as part of the world cultural heritage site
The flowers and trees along the Ringstraße start blooming when the days become longer and the temperature is increasing. After the strict restrictions due to the Corona pandemic it is slowly possible to join walking tours in Vienna.
Walking tours for all 5 senses in „the World`s most liveable city“ – in the footsteps of music and culinary specialities
In September 2019 Vienna was named „The World´s Most Liveable City“ by the British weekly „The Economist“.
In the footsteps of Beethoven in Vienna – At home with the maestro
Ludwig van Beethoven lived and worked in Vienna for 35 years, and the city inspired much of his creative output.
Modern Vienna and Christmas in Vienna – from the Christmas Markets to Klimt and Schiele
At the end of November the whole city of Vienna is ready for Christmas. The sparkling festive lights have been switched on and markets, ice-rinks and Christmas villages are popping up all over the city.
A visit to the "Golden City”
The latest trip took me and my guests to the Czech capital Prague – the „Golden City“.
Easter and its culinary art in Vienna
Traditional Easter decorations, artfully decorated eggs, culinary delicacies and a rich music program await you at Vienna´s Easter markets in March.